Comics : The world of Hergé Pixi, 3D objects, albums, serigraphs, posters and portfolios, original drawings, etc Leblon Delienne, Aroutcheff, Pixi, etc Sale : Sunday, March 5 at 2 pm (Hotel Van der Valk - Chaussée de Mons, 22, 1400 Nivelles) Exhibition : Saturday 4 from 9am to 8pm Sunday 5 from 9am to 12pm (Hotel Van der Valk - Nivelles - Salle Aclot) By appointment at our office in Zaventem For more information about the lots, please contact Philippe Dognon All requests and information : 00 32 (0) Quentin de Brouwer 00 32 (0) Pick-up address of the lots : Excelsiorlaan, 10 in 1930 Zaventem (between the 4 arms of Tervuren and the international airport of Zaventem) Expert : Philippe Dognon Collaborator : Patrice Cardon Photo : Stanley's Auction Graphic design : Michael Salomon