Classical & modern arts: Asia, Europe and the rest of the world

Sunday 27 October 2024 14:00
Stanley's auction , Excelsiorlaan,10 1930 Zaventem
Sale information

Classical & modern arts : Generalist auction

How to bid online on Drouot --- In French:

How to bid online on Drouot --- In english:

We can bid for you on the basis of purchase orders.

Exhibition :

Monday 21, Tuesday 22, Wednesday 23, Thursday 24, Friday 25 from 12h to 18h

and Saturday 26 from 12 am to 6 pm

Viewing by appointment only.

Secure site

Sale :

Sunday, October 27 , Online closing at 2pm

Collection of lots :

Pick-up at the sales room by appointment via this link

Delivery :

We offer several types of delivery depending on your purchase.

  1. Post for non-fragile parcels, well-packaged by us, with a tracking number and 80% insurance against loss (not breakage). For your information, sending a box measuring +/- 40X40X30 cm and weighing a maximum of 20 kg, with a value of up to €2500 costs €35 to FRANCE.
  4. MBE
  5. Our in-house shuttle but also DHL, UPS on request.

Address :

Excelsiorlaan 10, 1930 Zaventem (AGX Stanley's auction building)

Large parking lot

Exterior bell

Information :

Requests and information by phone or WhatsApp

+32 478 38 66 96


Requests and informations by phone or WhatsApp

+32 478 38 66 96


Sales conditions